Sorin Vlădescu's area of expertise is in the field of energy projects, especially electricity. In this area, he has been involved in a variety of high-profile merger and acquisition transactions, as well as several major privatisation deals in Romania and Republic of Moldova. Furthermore, he has advised clients in relation to complex greenfield and renewable energy projects, including the largest onshore wind farm project in Europe.
Sorin Vlădescu's experience also includes audio-visual law, advising on establishment of television channels, on the content of broadcasting regulations and on the arrangements for distribution of pay TV channels.
He is fluent in English.
Relevant Matters:
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by the biggest electricity producer in the Czech Republic (including its Romanian electricity distribution subsidiary) in relation to the applicable unbundling requirements set by the domestic and EU-law in the areas of corporate and energy law, as well as in the regulatory field.
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by the main shareholders and other minority shareholders in connection with a multi-million Euro transaction for the sale of 75% shareholding held in DoMo (one the largest household appliance, electronic and IT&C company in Romania) to a British investment fund – Equest Investments Balkans.
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by the biggest electricity producer in the Czech Republic in relation to Romanian law matters concerning the divestment of a portfolio of power assets to a consortium led by Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund 6. The assets comprise seven companies, including electricity distribution networks, energy supply and the Fântânele Cogealac wind park, among others. According to media reports, the transaction stands out as the largest deal in Romania since 2008.
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by a subsidiary of Transgaz S.A. in the Republic of Moldova in connection with the acquisition of Vestmoldtransgaz – licensed natural gas transmission operator in the Republic of Moldova. Further to the acquisition, Vestmoldtransgaz built the Ungheni-Chișinău pipeline, a strategic project for the Republic of Moldova, by which the country managed to create an alternative source of gas supply by interconnecting with the Romanian / European gas transmission system.
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by a subsidiary of Transgaz S.A. in the Republic of Moldova in connection with a complex deal aimed at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development becoming a minority shareholder in Vestmoldtransgaz, with a EUR 20 million investment, via a share capital increase (subscription agreement, option agreement, shareholders’ agreement).
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by one of the most important players in the fields of distribution, sourcing and other energy-related services in Romania in connection with the acquisition from Monsson Group of two photovoltaic parks in Satu Mare area and one wind farm in Dobrogea having an aggregate capacity of 207 MW.
Practice Areas
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații acted on a EUR 20 million deal whereas EBRD had acquired 25% in Vestmoldtransgaz, the Moldovan subsidiary of Transgaz
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații advised Global Technical Group on selling a majority interest to Abris Capital Partners
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații seals privatisation deal in the Republic of Moldova acting for Eurotransgaz
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații advises Accel Partners on a second round of capital raise amounting to $153 Million
- Tuca Zbarcea and Asociatii advised Accel Partners in the funding transaction with UiPath
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații acts for Marubeni Corporation in a EUR 170 million investment project
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații closes the acquisition of the largest onshore wind farm project in Europe
- Sorin Vlădescu and Răzvan Gheorghiu-Testa participate in Emerging Europe Energy Summit 2006