Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații | NEWS & EVENTS
02 July 2013

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații Partners with the Romanian Mathematical Society to Support Local Performance

ssmrȚuca Zbârcea & Asociații has initiated a unique partnership with the Romanian Mathematical Society aimed at advancing and supporting the performance of young mathematicians.

This year Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații will provide the Romanian Mathematical Society with pro bono legal services and financial support. The Romanian Mathematical Society is one of the oldest professional organisations in Romania and one of the first mathematical societies in Europe.

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații’s contribution supports the core functions of the Romanian Mathematical Society, such as the organisation of various mathematical contests and training of school aged children teams (including middle school and high school). Also, the firm covers the awards granting and the costs associated to the presence of Romanian representatives in specific contests, such as the National Mathematical Olympiad, the Annual Contest of Gazeta Matematica and ViitoriOlimpici.ro (a camp), Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, the 2013 International Mathematical Olympiad organised in Columbia, etc.

According to the Romanian Mathematical Society representatives, such a partnership with a law firm is a first in Romania: “We can safely say that legal and mathematical reasoning have several things in common: they both rely on given assertions, namely laws in the legal sector and axioms in mathematics; one need intense training and practice for both professions, while misunderstanding specific terms leads to dangerous confusions in both areas. Moreover, the history of modern mathematics is marked by the genius of a French amateur mathematician and lawyer, Pierre de Fermat, also a judge in Toulouse in the 17th century, with remarkable contributions to the development of mathematical analysis, the theory of numbers and physics. We hope that this partnership will bring the young people gifted in mathematics closer to the legal science, which is reliant on rigorous reasoning”, said Radu Gologan, President of the Romanian Mathematical Society.

“The direct connection between law and mathematics is obvious: law is a science, it is the mathematics of social sciences, the equivalent of Cartesian approach, the twin brother of logic. No matter what path they will choose, it is important for the new generations to develop structured thinking and strive to always improve themselves. We encourage current and future performance, because it defines us as lawyers and because performance should shape our development and our Romanian society for generations to come”, added Florentin Țuca, Managing Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații.

Recently, the Romanian team attending the Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad organised in Turkey from June 21 to 26 came first, with all of the Romanian individual participants obtaining gold and silver medals.

About the Mathematical Society (http://ssmr.ro/):

The Romanian Mathematical Society is the successor of the Mathematical Gazette Society, founded in December 1910. The purpose of the Mathematical Gazette Society was to make the study of mathematics more popular and to guide original research in this sector. The founding of the society was preceded by the short-lived Friends of the Mathematical Society (1894) and the founding of the Romanian Science Society (1897-1949). By 1949 the activity of the Mathematical Gazette Society focused on the publishing of Gazeta Matematica, a mathematics magazine continuously issued since 1895.

After 1949, the society changed its name several times. Since 1990 it is called the Romanian Mathematical Society and it continues the mission and objectives of the Mathematical Gazette Society, seeking recognition for the role of mathematics in the Romanian society.

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