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Groundbreaking ruling from the CJEU on the exclusion of non-EU economic operators from public procurement procedures
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații has obtained a ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), confirming that national legislation excluding non-EU economic operators from public procurement procedures has no legal effect.
Landmark decision from the Alba Iulia Court of Appeal on electricity and gas price capping
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații successfully assisted a leading semi-finished wood manufacturer in a dispute worth over EUR 2 million, seeking reimbursement of amounts wrongly charged by an electricity supplier based on a misinterpretation of Government Emergency Ordinance (GEO) No. 27/2022 on electricity and gas price capping. The court ruled that legal provisions must be interpreted in favour of consumers, not against them.
Ciprian Timofte joins Juridice.ro's conference on Virtual Communities in the Era of the GDPR
Ciprian joins the speakers invited by JURIDICE.ro and will give a presentation on the Main challenges of direct marketing.
Mihai Anghel gives a lecture on harassment invoked in bad faith by employees
Mihai Anghel, Partner in the firm's Labour practice group is a key note speaker at this year's HR Club Seminar on Good Practices in Labour Law
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